
Showing posts from September, 2021

More Than A Feeling

 The classic rock song "More Than A Feeling" by Boston  is a song that describes how the right song can turn a person's feelings from dreary to bright and sunny.  Feelings are powerful forces in our lives, yet they can change at a moment's notice.  One of the disciplines every person must develop is evaluating and sifting through his feelings. Every person has at least one moment in his life where his emotions scream at him to act immediately.  The challenge is that a decision made in the heat of the moment is often a poor decision.  Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.  Who can understand it?"  One of the truths that this passage coveys is that a person's heart, his emotions, can lie to him.  If a person continually makes emotional decisions, chances are he will make some poor choices. Rather than making decisions when emotions are running high, every individual should strive to follow the words of the Apostle Pa