Meet Generation Z
The Hunger Games Series tells the story of Katniss Everdeens' struggle to overcome the turmoil around her and within herself to become the woman she was meant to be. While this story is applicable of every person, I believe it to be especially representative of members of Generation Z. Referring to those born after 1995, Gen Z encompasses those who are college age or younger. This generation has massive potential, but they have one primary challenge holding them back: fear. Gen Z is terrified. If I had to pick one person who I believe best exemplifies this generation it would be the young Greta Thunberg. Greta best represents this generation not because of her political beliefs, not because of her attitude, and certainly not because of the way in which she presents her convictions, Greta represents this generation because of her motivation. If you listen closely to what she is truly communicating, you will hear the voice of a talented young girl who...